Just an update about student teaching....I'm loving it so far except for yesterday.... they were terrible, and of course I was getting observed three days before Halloween when the kids are at their craziest. Let's just say I wanted to crawl into bed after that lesson and never get out. Unfortunately I had to get up and start the day all over again and I started wondering why I would want to do this to myself the rest of my life, but then I gave them a pre-test today and after reading their answers I remembered why.
They got this picture and had to write what it means:

Here are some of the answers they put:
1. bathroom spot
2. for old people
3. people with whill chairs are going to go on a cross walk
4. parking if you have a sign
5. wheel chair parking
6. poking (parking) It took me awhile to get that he just spelled this one wrong. I really thought he put poking.