Thursday, October 29, 2009

Student Teaching

Just an update about student teaching....I'm loving it so far except for yesterday.... they were terrible, and of course I was getting observed three days before Halloween when the kids are at their craziest. Let's just say I wanted to crawl into bed after that lesson and never get out. Unfortunately I had to get up and start the day all over again and I started wondering why I would want to do this to myself the rest of my life, but then I gave them a pre-test today and after reading their answers I remembered why.
They got this picture and had to write what it means:

Here are some of the answers they put:
1. bathroom spot
2. for old people
3. people with whill chairs are going to go on a cross walk
4. parking if you have a sign
5. wheel chair parking
6. poking (parking) It took me awhile to get that he just spelled this one wrong. I really thought he put poking.


Stacie and Jared said...

Haha this is great! I didn't know you were student teaching, I'm student teaching too! I'm at a middle school, so it's still entertaining, just in different ways haha. . . I feel ya though, I had the worst day every on Tuesday and I didn't want to go back, but luckily the kids have short memories and they forget that I'm horrible sometimes!

Borchardt's said...

That is fun Kim..You are going to be a great teacher!! I want to see your house are you done?..

Telsha Winger & fam said...

Cute, I love it. Thanks for sharing:)

Kristin said...

I love it too! I was observed this past week too (as a first year teacher)... who does that??! Sometimes we just have those days. I'm sure you are doing great!

Mom of Mix Kids said...

Hillarious!! How's the paint comin?

Anonymous said...

Haha, that is rad! So what are you going to teach?? Have you decided?? Sorry - it is probably somewhere on your blog and I missed it! How is the house coming along!?