Friday, March 26, 2010

Derek's Mission Call

My little brother Derek got his mission call. He was called to serve in the Nicaragua Managua mission. He had been getting teased forever about where he would end up going so I was glad that he was going to get to go foreign and Spanish speaking like he wanted. After he read where he was going he had to sit and think about where it actually was. It took us awhile to finally figure out that it is in Central America. It's close to Costa Rica so we now know where our next family vacation will be in 2 years (hopefully). He leaves for the MTC on July 7th, which means he has three months to let it all sink in. It's going to be really weird having him gone for 2 years, but I'm really excited for him. I keep trying to upload the video of him opening it, but it's just not working. Maybe i'll keep trying.

1 comment:

Nate and Erin Russell said...

i'm pretty sure derek isn't old enough to go on a mission... how weird. tell him congrats for me!